Louis Nicholls

Thoughts on business and life

The 3 ways to get hired as a marketing/growth lead ASAP

If you’re thinking about a career in marketing or growth, you’re probably wondering how to someday become a VP/head of growth or marketing.

You probably want to get there as soon as possible. And it isn’t at all clear how to do so.

Based on observation and my own personal experience, here are the quickest 3 ways to get that head of growth job… Continue reading

Playing Battleship: The hard way to find your first customers…

Are you still struggling to acquire your first paying customers?

Even though you’ve put time and effort into sales and marketing?

Don’t worry – you’re not alone.

In fact, you’re in the exact same position as most of the founders who are taking my live Sales For Founders course right now.

You (and they) want to get your product in the hands of customers. And have them pay you.

But you’re almost certainly falling into a common trap.

A trap I see most founders make. Especially Continue reading

Sales > Marketing

I spend quite a bit of time on indiehackers.com, helping newer founders. By far the most common question I see is “I’ve built product X, how can I market it and get customers?”

Well hang on. If you’re in that situation then you’ve already made a big mistake.

There’s only one way to make sure you’re building something people will pay for. And that’s to Continue reading

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